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We are all part of the same story.

Can you believe it has been 70 years? Seventy years of connecting people with Jewish life and values, 70 years of building a vibrant Jewish community in Greater Hartford.

What better way to celebrate what we have all done but by telling those inspiring stories of how the Federation has had a profound impact on the lives of individuals who were touched by what we have accomplished.

Thanks to you, the Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford has been doing life­changing, life­saving work in our local community, in Israel and around the world for 70 years.

Over the next ten weeks (70 days), we will share the powerful stories of some of the lives that have been forever changed by the special work of our Federation along with our broad network of partnerships and innovative approach to funding.

Each week you will receive an e­mail that will share a unique, powerful story about the ways we have touched people's lives. The story will take you to a special web­site created especially for this project. We hope you will be inspired to select one or more of the action steps that will enable you to volunteer, learn more, donate or just call us!

This week's Torah portion, Yayikra, tells us about the sacrifices the Children of Israel were commanded to bring to the newly built "Mishkan" Tabernacle. Ancient sacrifices were a way our ancestors gave thanks to G­-d. Thankfully, today we no longer offer sacrifices to express our gratitude but with the same degree of sincerity, acknowledge the goodness in each of us and willingly say thank you for all the blessings we receive.

Just as all those people highlighted in these stories are so grateful for the support they received through your support of the Federation, we are equally thankful for what each of you does to make our world a better place for everyone.

On behalf of the Board and the entire Federation family, Todah Rabah: thank you for all you do.

Wishing you all a peaceful Shabbat,

Howard Sovronsky
President & CEO

Eric Zachs
Chair of the Board


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