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When Inheritance Transcends Time

One of the more difficult but often meaningful conversations that occurs within families concerns the legacy that parents will leave to their children and grandchildren and the material value of any inheritance that might be distributed. Each family sets its own criteria as to who is eligibl…

Remembering the Price of Freedom

Fireworks, BBQ and beer: It's an American tradition. Yet, July 4 is about much more than that. It is celebration of our nation's independence, a celebration of freedom, and a time to reflect on the sacrifices that individuals and families have made to secure these precious gifts.

This week'…

Question Authority

I thought the world was about to come to an end. Russia was moving missiles into Cuba and President Kennedy was exercising his leadership, demanding the removal of this very tangible threat to our nation. Meanwhile, I was anxiously making the final preparations for my impending Bar Mitzvah. …

Harnessing the Power of Our Words

It is so easy to offer an opinion - to characterize a situation in a way that aligns neatly with our preconceptions. We are often eager to offer such opinions and less willing to consider the impact they may have on the listener.

This week's Torah portion, Sh'lach L'cha, tells the story of …

What if you can't get there?

Not all of us are ready or able to take advantage of the beauty and richness of our Jewish heritage and its traditions. We all move at our own pace, follow our unique inner voices and seek meaning in ways that we alone can own. This week's Torah portion, B'haalot'cha, asks the question, what…