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It is all about the filling!

Sometimes, it is about the food and on Purim it is about Hamantaschen and choosing the right filling. It doesn't matter what the dough is like, it is all about what is inside!

The story of Purim recalls a time in our history, when the Jewish people once again were able to overcome a signifi…

We are all part of the same story.

Can you believe it has been 70 years? Seventy years of connecting people with Jewish life and values, 70 years of building a vibrant Jewish community in Greater Hartford.

What better way to celebrate what we have all done but by telling those inspiring stories of how the Federation has had …

70 Days of Impact

In 1969, while traveling in Greece as a young college student, I was struck by the vibrant Jewish community I found in Athens - a community that had flourished for centuries and had built a strong infra­structure to ensure its continuity. Fast forward to the summer of 2014. It is my first d…

Federation and JCRC Condemn Terror Attacks in Israel

The Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford, the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Hartford, along with our entire community are outraged at the senseless murder of Taylor Force and the many others who were seriously injured in the three separate attacks in Israel. We call upon the…

Eternal Light

Synagogues come in all shapes, sizes and denominations. Yet there is a common thread that connects all of our houses of worship, Torah and an Eternal Light ­- Ner Tamid. In this week's Torah portion we learn how each of the Israelites were instructed to bring olive oil to the Tabernacle to…